Monday, July 20, 2015


I haven't been on here in a while, and that's mostly because I haven't had much to report.  Little girl's eyelashes have been absent from her face for over 2 years, she's had episodes with her brows here and there... but nothing has really changed.  We still watch her diet as much as we can, keeping gluten and sugar intake down.   
The game changer came when a friend of mine finally convinced me to try Shakeology.  The ingredients in Shakeology are pretty much all the recommended supplements that help curb the urges to pull:  Probiotics, prebiotics, digestive enzymes, amino acids and so many other super foods I couldn't list them all!  
So every morning, when I make my shake, I give her about half of it, and mix a little extra powder probiotic with it.  I'm not sure if it's helping her not pull, or just making her lashes grow faster, but either way she has some lashes coming in and they've stayed put for the most part!  
Anyone who is interested in trying Shakeology as well can order it HERE!

Monday, September 29, 2014

BFRB Awareness Week is October 1-7th!

Trich Awareness is coming! This year we're trying to get as many people as we can to wear BLUE and GREEN on October 7th. 
All you have to do is:
  • Search my event on facebook:  Trich Awareness Day - Wear Blue & Green
  • Click on JOIN
  • Wear blue and green on October 7th. 
  • Share this event on facebook and invite all of your friends. 
  • Take pictures of yourself and others wearing blue and green and post them on our wall!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Picture Day!

Today was picture day at school. I remember how hard it was last year, as I tried to paint some eyebrows on my little girl.  This year we didn't have to do that!  I'm so proud of how far she's come in the past year!  She is so awesome :)

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Let it Go!!

Are you getting sick of that song yet??  We have listened to it so many times now that we are now listening to it in Spanish and Japanese just to keep things fresh!
So it's been over a year since Trich first appeared in our lives.  What began as confusion and frustration, is now hope and acceptance.  A huge step for me personally was to "let it go".  Now, I hardly notice my daughter's missing lashes.  I don't get as frustrated or angry with her when I catch her doing it. Sometimes we even joke about it and try to make light of the situation.  The other day I was singing to her "Let em Growww" and she rolled her eyes at me as if to say "mom you're such a dork". But at the end of the day, it's her face, it's her hair, and I can't control trich any more than she can.  It feels good to let it go.  I'm not saying we are giving up on helping her; we're just not letting it consume our lives.
Over the past year we have learned a lot.  We are doing the best we can between supplements and diet modification.  We have had some success managing the severity of her pulling.  She has full brows again and hasn't pulled them in months!  We have also accepted the fact that trich is here, and there are good days and bad days.  We have educated ourselves, our friends, and our family.  My little girl can now pronounce the word Trichotillomania and tell you what it means, almost with pride.  She also gave purple awareness bracelets to her teacher and her therapist, and isn't afraid to talk about.  She really owns it, and I'm proud of her for the progress she's made!