Thursday, October 31, 2013

Lab Results

So it's been a while since I've had a chance to post the results we got back from the lab.  A while back we did the neurotransmitter test and the results were not shocking, but helpful to see I suppose.
All of her excitatory neurotransmitters were higher than the normal range.  Her Glutamate, Dopamine, Norepinephrine and Serotonin levels came back very high.  
The ND suggested that she take GABA (GAMMA - AMINOBUTYRIC ACID) to bring down the elevated glutamate levels.  She is supposed to take it a half hour before breakfast and before dinner.  
This hasn't been too hard to do, since they are grape flavored and chewable or dissolve under the tongue.  The second supplement that was recommended was the Calm PRT, which is supposed to promote sleep, reduce excitability and re-establish a healthy HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis.

This all sounds wonderful right?  Finally!  A cure!! 
Well, we have been really good at giving her the GABA, but it has been really hard to give her the Calm PRT.  It is a horse pill that smells and tastes like SH*T!  So everything I try to mix it in with she can taste and refuses to finish.
I wasn't too worried about the Calm PRT because she really wasn't having too many problems sleeping anyways now that we are spending more time with her at bedtime, rubbing her back until she falls asleep.

Call me crazy, but ever since we started her on the GABA she has been 10 times more hyper!  The girl is bananas lately.  I can NOT keep her busy enough and everything excites her beyond control.  I have mentioned this to her ND and she said she's never heard of that happening.  

I tried a second real attempt at making sure we give her everything when she's supposed to have it, how she's supposed to have it, but its impossible.  I feel like she was doing better before.  She has recently pulled all of her lashes again, completely gone... and today I got her to finally admit what I have been suspecting:  she has pulled her hair.

I think I will be taking her off of the supplements and trying the NAC with vitamen C that everyone swears they have success with.  
As far as school goes, she is excelling in every area and her teacher says she is amazing.  Her therapist continues to tell us how gifted and smart and happy she is.  We will not be seeing the therapist again unless little girl needs it. Right now she is too young for trich to really be affecting her life, but if it ever does become a challenge for her, she knows she can go see her Miss Brigitte!   

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Trich Awareness Week

This year, Trichotillomania Awareness Week was October 1-7th.  To raise awareness I forwarded some really useful info geared towards schools and teachers on to my daughter's Kinder teacher.  She was very supportive and said she has forwarded it on to others.  I believe that communicating with her teachers regarding her trich is going to be the key to her succeeding in school both academically and socially.

I also ordered a bunch of these purple awareness bands.  A few people have seen me wearing mine and asked if I could get more.  They have arrived so if anyone is interested in purchasing one for $5 please let me know and I will send one to you!  Show your support and spread awareness!!!