A lot has transpired since I last wrote.... Good, Bad, Ugly and GREAT!
The past few years have been especially hard for me, trying to balance a full time job with family life. My career had been less than satisfactory and was heading nowhere, leaving me uninspired and bored. I have looked here and there for a new job but there hasn't been much out there in my field. I didn't want to rock the boat too much, I had been there for 10 years, I had a steady paycheck, I was comfortable.
Not long ago a job opportunity was presented to me. It wasn't something I would normally go for, and didn't really think much of it at first. I did a couple phone interviews just to keep my options open, and eventually landed an interview, and quickly became excited at this new opportunity. My interview was scheduled for a Friday afternoon.
That Friday came and I went to work as usual. I've been experiencing a bit of anxiety at work, feeling as if my days were numbered. That morning I got laid off. I wasn't particularly shocked, and almost felt relieved. I had a couple hours to clean out my cube, pull my shit together and get to my interview.
I didn't have time to even process what had just happened, and went in pretending like it was tomorrow's news.
I ended up having the interview of my life and met with some awesome new people with a great company! As I was leaving they told me they wanted to present an offer to me by that Monday. I couldn't have asked God for more at that moment! Who gets laid off and hired all in the same day???
Long story short, I accepted the position! I took a few weeks off to spend with the kids before starting... we went to spring training games, played outside, went to the movies and I snuggled them a lot! It was so refreshing and relaxing!
I miss their little faces but I've started my new job this week. It has been a really good change for me and I have a lot to learn, but I'm confident it will all come with time. It's a completely different industry than what I'm used to, but uses very similar technology than what I am familiar with.
I'm really excited because I have been enrolling us on our new health insurance and it's going to cover WAY more than my previous plan. I've switched the entire family to the new plan and we will now be able to take little girl to all her appointments without paying an arm and a leg! This has been a HUGE relief for me, I finally feel like I can take care of my family. Her therapist and her ND will now be covered. Even though we have backed away from the consuming Dr's appointments, I'd really like to get her diet on the right track and eliminate the guesswork.
I know with all this new coverage I will have a lot more to report, I promise I will share what I learn!